Do people in Canada and Mexico dislike the United States so much that they put them in the 2026 FIFA World Cup Bid? This is what Alexi Lalas says.

Do people in Canada and Mexico dislike the United States so much that they put them in the 2026 FIFA World Cup Bid? This is what Alexi Lalas says.
People are very excited about the 2026 FIFA World Cup now that the times and locations have been made public. Although football fans have mixed feelings about the tournament’s return to North America after 32 years, it will happen. There is the question of why the US couldn’t just get the hosting rights on their own. Alexi Lalas, a former player for the USMNT, even said that he thought anti-American feelings played a part in the choice.
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Why is FIFA investigating Argentina?

Emiliano "Dibu" Martínez's "peculiar" acceptance of the World Cup's best goalie trophy hasn't gone well.
The Argentinian Football Association got some bad news. FIFA said that they will start looking into what happened at the awards ceremony after the Qatar 2022 World Cup final. Images of the celebrations were all over the news, and Emiliano “Dibu” Martinez, the best goalkeeper in the tournament, was trending on Twitter for several days because of the “unique” way he accepted his award.
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