Something about running on the beach sounds like a dream: The sound of the waves breaking, the soft sand under my feet, and the idea that I could take a dip after my run. There’s a reason why it’s the first scene of Chariots of Fire, which is one of the most famous films about running.
In fact, though, it’s hard to run on sand. Funny enough, part of the reason is that it’s so soft: Kate Baird, MA, ACSM-CEP, CSCS, an exercise scientist at the Hospital for Special Surgery, says that sand can take up a lot more force than a road, a track, or even a hard dirt trail. This means that when you run on the beach, you have to push off that much harder to go the same distance. Sand on the beach can also be sloped or uneven, which can make it harder to keep your balance and stay steady.
But that doesn’t mean you can only run on the beach when you’re on vacation. Use these safe sand runs tips from the pros.
How running on the beach puts your body to the test
Baird says that since you’ll be pushing off harder when you run on sand, all the muscles that usually get tired when you run, like your hips, legs, and calves, will get tired even faster. She says that if you go barefoot, the intrinsic muscles on the bottoms of your feet will have to work extra hard to help you stay stable on that soft, uneven surface.
Gordon Bakoulis, the group training coach for New York Road Runners, says that running on sand will also challenge the plantar fascia, which is a web of connective tissue that covers the bottom of the foot. If you have plantar fasciitis or any other kind of foot injury, you should be especially careful about running on sand.
If you’re running on uneven or sloped sand, you may also find that your legs have to work harder. Baird says that, at least to start, you should look for the flattest part of the sand.
What’s good about running on sand
Bakoulis says that one of the best things about running on sand is that you’re probably doing it in a beautiful, relaxed place. However, there are also benefits for your body, such as improving your feet and knees, which can make you less likely to get hurt over time. She also says that running on such a soft surface is good for your joints because you don’t hit them as hard as you would on roads or concrete.
Also, once you get the hang of it, running on sand can feel great. Even just sweating it out by the ocean is good for your mental health in its own way. And, as Baird says, “the beach feels safer than the jungle or the forest.”
How to start running on sand gradually
Because running on sand puts more stress on your muscles, you need to start slow and short to avoid injury and extreme soreness and to get your body ready for the extra work.
Bakoulis says you should expect to run up to two minutes slower per mile on the track than you would on the road for the same amount of work. But she says you shouldn’t look at your watch or try to convert from road to sand; instead, just go by how hard you think you’re working: A simple run on the sand should feel just as simple as a simple run on the road, which means it will be much slower. (And yes, your sand runs should probably be easy unless you’re an expert runner who has access to a flat stretch.)
The same goes for how long your runs are: Bakoulis says to start with just a few miles at a time on the sand and to always shorten any run you’d normally do on the road because “you get more bang for your buck” on the sand.
Bakoulis also says that if you’re training for a long race like a marathon, you shouldn’t try to log all your training miles on the sand while you’re on vacation. Try it one day for your easy run, or run one or two miles on the sand before moving to the road or machine for the rest of your run. (For what it’s worth, both Bakoulis and Baird say that you can take a low-key taper week during your holiday.)
Bakoulis gave this practical tip for running on the beach: Since beach runs will always be out-and-backs, don’t go too far out. “When you’re on the beach, you feel like you could run forever,” she says. “The next thing you know, you’re four miles from home, you’re exhausted, you don’t have any water, or a storm could come up out of nowhere.” For example, if you want to walk four miles, you could go one mile in one way, turn around, and then go one mile in the other direction.
Even if it seems easy right now, don’t push yourself too hard and hurt yourself. “A lot of the time, people think that if something is easy, their bodies must be handling it well,” says Baird. “And that isn’t always true. You might wake up the next day and realise what you really asked of your body.”
How to change your running style for sand
Should running in the sand make you run differently? Baird says no most of the time: Most of the time, it’s not a good idea to try to change the way you run. Since you’ll already be running on a new surface, adding another new thing will only make your body feel even more out of place.
Still, there are a few simple things you can do to make running in the sand less of a drag. Baird says that you should focus on taking shorter, faster steps because it will be hard to take big strokes. And Bakoulis says to make sure you lift your knees so you don’t shuffle through the sand, which is wasteful and could cause you to trip. She also says that if it feels good, you can improve your balance by slightly widening your stance.
Should I wear shoes or not?
When it comes to whether or not you should wear shoes when running on the beach, there is no one right answer. But there are a few things to think about. How hard is the sand and how packed is it? If it’s hard, wear shoes because the surface will be more like what you’re used to. If it’s soft, you might want to go barefoot so you don’t get lots of tiny sand bits in your shoes. Also think about how familiar you are with the area and if you can go barefoot without thinking about glass or rocks. And if your feet hurt or are sick, Baird says you should wear shoes.
Going barefoot has some good points. Baired says it feels good and lets you spread out your toes. Aaron Keil, PT, told Well+Good in the past that running without shoes gives your feet and legs an extra workout. But because it will be a new task for your feet, you should build up to it slowly. Bakoulis says that you should wear shoes for most of your run and go barefoot for the last half mile to see how it feels.
If you bring shoes, don’t wear ones that you wouldn’t want to get wet and dirty. Bakoulis says that trail shoes that are waterproof might be a good choice if they aren’t too heavy or bulky. You can also use an old pair of your favourite shoes. Just don’t wear anything with a lot of cushioning, which would make you even less stable.
More things to remember when running on the beach:
Don’t get too hot: If you can run on the sand, you may be in a hot place. You can avoid running when it’s the hottest by going early in the morning or late at night. This will also help you avoid the crowds. Don’t forget to bring water and sunscreen.
Find out about the waves before you leave: Find out when high tide and low tide are so you don’t have to stop running and start swimming.
Watch the incline: Know that a floor with a lot of slope is likely to slow you down even more. Try to stay balanced by running the same amount in each direction, since your left foot will be higher in one direction and your right foot will be higher in the other. Or, Bakoulis says that the problem can be solved by running up and down the beach in a zigzag pattern.
Share the sand: If you’re running on the beach during the day, you may have to dodge people building sandcastles, boogie boarding and fishing. Be kind and let other people do what they want to do in the sand.
Get ready to hurt: Just like after any new exercise, your first time running on sand is likely to make you feel more sore, maybe even in places like the sides of your feet and knees where running doesn’t usually hurt. That’s normal, but take it as a sign to not do too much too soon, and pay attention to any sharp pain or extreme soreness.
Baird says, “Make sure you do the right amount of warming up, stretching, and cooling down so that you don’t feel like you just ran a marathon when all you did was run on the beach for three days.”
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