Transgender athlete infuriates an Olympic hero

Transgender high school runner Aayden Gallagher crushed the semifinals of the Portland Interscholastic League Championship this week, which made a two-time Olympic runner very angry.

Transgender athlete infuriates an Olympic hero

Mara Yamauchi, an American athlete who has participated in two Olympics, posted a video of Gallagher running on social media this week. She was shocked by how fast she was going compared to the other girls and called the scene “disgusting.”

“He’s not even trying his hardest.” Totally gross. On the plus side, this is a clear example of how men are better than women. All of the women finish close to each other. He’s way ahead. If someone lets a man into the Female group, they should feel ashamed. You scum!” Yamauchi wrote in a post on X, the social media site that used to be Twitter.

Read More: The NAIA doesn’t let transgender women play any women’s sports.

In the 400-meter preliminary race, Gallagher won with a time of 56.14 seconds, which was 0.23 seconds faster than the runner-up. Then, in the 200-meter preliminary race, she came in second with a time of 24.49, just 0.17 seconds behind the winner.

Gallagher did so well this week that he made it to the finals of both events and will now be able to fight for a championship.

Read More: Riley Gaines is among more than a dozen collegiate athletes suing the NCAA over transgender policy.

I’m Mara Yamauchi.

The star who was in the Olympics and is now mad at the transgender athlete first appeared on Next Impulse Sports.

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